Where Roland Buresund tells the world his opinions, regardless of if it wants to hear it :-)
OK, Orkut was an interesting social experiment by Google, which I participated in since the beginning. But it is a prime example on how lousy software and not enough hardware can make a site useless.
All models that are used in all books reviewed at this site and other sites, are wrong!
We have all been to those meetings where someone wants over 100%.
In fact, a lot of Swedish (and a lot on non-Swedish) organisations and corporations have the Policy below, even if they refuse to state it in their Annual Reports:
What is not defined in my presentation of myself is that I am a legal immigrant in Sweden, even though I was born here. According to Swedish law, you are a second generation immigrant if one of your parents was born outside of Sweden (as some of you that has some knowledge of the Nordic languages probably already detected; Buresund is a Norwegian last name [hi Dad!]). To make matters worse, my wife is born in Finland, so that makes my son a second generation immigrant as well ;-) If my son doesn't do something foolish, my grandchildren may be real Swedes.