John Smartt

Updated at: May 21, 2007, 2:20 a.m.

John Smartt has been a keen observer of organisational life for the past twenty-one years. During this time he has worked for twenty employers and acted as consultant to more than 200 companies.

He has been instrumental in bringing about organisational change in such high-profile companies as Zurich Insurance, Ernst & Young and John Fairfax, and has trained hundreds of managers.

John is the co-author of Managing Group Problem Solving and Decision Making.

He also is an occasional speaker at management-related forums, most recently at the Australian School of Management's First Annual National Management Research Conference, and has had articles published in the Australian Financial Review, the Journal of the Australian Institute of Training and Development and HR Monthly.

John Smartt has a bachelor's degree in theology, a post-graduate diploma in training and development management, and currently works as a free-lance organisation development consultant.

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