There's a New Sheriff in Town

The Project Manager's Proven Guide to Successfully Taking Over Ongoing Projects and Getting the Work Done

Martin J. Fenelon III

Publisher: Independently Published, 2022, 297 pages

ISBN: 979-8887590-014-1

Keywords: Project Management

Last modified: Dec. 13, 2022, 11:07 p.m.

Do you know how to lead a project that someone else started? You know taking over an existing project is not the same as starting from scratch.

Despite a recent global survey revealing that 67% of projects finish with a different Project Manager (PM) than they started with, almost all Project Management methodologies and books assume a fresh project start. The reality is that few PMs have full control over the triple constraints (scope/quality, budget, and schedule) when joining an existing project team.

Are you frustrated by PM books that assume that the PM has a blank canvas when most of the time you are taking over projects that have already started? Then this book is for you!

There's a New Sheriff in Town provides a proven road map to successfully complete projects, regardless of their current status.

Based on over 40 years of PM experience in multiple industries, with both local and global teams, this practical guide provides you with a step-by-step path to success. Tips, checklists, and sample templates will speed your progress.

This book is a must-have for any PM taking over a project, regardless of your experience level. There's a New Sheriff in Town will help you lead your team to a successful project conclusion, regardless of the industry or delivery methodology involved.

Key benefits from following the processes and steps in this book include:

  • Having a well-structured plan for assuming leadership of an ongoing project
  • Rapidly determining the true status of an existing project
  • Identifying if there are any key issues and challenges
  • Utilizing leverage points to turn around troubled projects and teams
  • Tactics to keep the project team focused and committed despite changing project dynamics
  • Leading the project team to successful outcomes
  1. Why Is This Book Necessary?
  2. Challenges With Taking Over an Ongoing Project
  3. Getting the Call to Action
  4. There's a New Sheriff in Town — First Steps
  5. Getting the Lay of the Land
  6. Conducting Unbiased Research
  7. Take Required Immediate Actions
  8. Revise the Plan
  9. Execute the Revised Plan
  10. Move to the Finish Line Together
  11. Ride Herd and Avoid a Relapse
  12. Finish Successfully
  13. Hand-Offs
  14. Riding Into the Sunset