OpenERP for Retail and Industrial Management

Open Source & Management

Fabien Pinckaers, Geoff Gardiner

Publisher: Open Object Press, 2009, 299 pages

ISBN: 978-2-9600876-0-4

Keywords: Enterprise Resource Planning

Last modified: May 19, 2010, 11:33 a.m.

Steps towards Sales, Logistics and Manufacturing integration.

Do you dream of the perfect company?

That's the company where information moves freely between all functional areas, where you never have to enter data a second time, and everything is centralized in a single enterprise management system. This is the place where you rarely work on anything in a panic because everything is planned and well-structured, where everybody has permanent access to all useful information, and where all routine tasks are automated and easily controlled. This book presents a modern approach to retail and industrial management, giving you the tools for implementing this type of integrated management based on Open ERP.

In such a company:

  • Sales and the customers have real-time visibility of the state of product stocks
  • Customer orders automatically determine procurement (purchase and production orders).
  • Production managers know all the applicable enterprise constraints.
  • Alerts automatically inform system users at the right moment to prevent future problems.
  • Recurring processes are integrated and automated to limit administrative effort.
  • Managers have real-time information dashboards to help them guide their company effectively.
  • Foreword
    • Open Source software at the service of management
    • The Open ERP Solution
      • Why this book?
      • Who's it for?
    • Structure of this book
    • Acknowledgements
  1. First steps with Open ERP
    1. Installation and Initial Setup
      1. The architecture of Open ERP
      2. The Installation of Open ERP
        1. Independent installation on Windows
        2. Installation on Linux (Ubuntu)
      3. Database creation
        1. Creating the database
        2. Database openerp_ch01
        3. Managing databases
      4. New Open ERP functionality
        1. Extending Open ERP
    2. Guided Tour
      1. Database creation
      2. To connect to Open ERP
        1. Preferences toolbar
        2. Configuring Users
        3. Managing partners
      3. Installing new functionality
        1. Updating the Modules list
        2. Installing a module
        3. Installing a module with its dependencies
        4. Installing additional functionality
      4. Guided Tour of Open ERP
        1. Partners
        2. Financial Management
        3. Dashboards
        4. Products
        5. Human Resources
        6. Stock Management
        7. Customer and Supplier Relationship Management
        8. Purchase Management
        9. Project Management
        10. Manufacturing
        11. Sales Management
        12. Document Management
        13. Process Management
        14. Other functions
    3. Developing a real case
      1. Use case
      2. Functional requirements
      3. Database creation
      4. Installing and configuring modules
      5. Database setup
        1. Configuring Accounts
        2. Configuring Journals
        3. Configuring the Main Company
        4. Creating partner categories, partners and their contacts
        5. Creating products and their categories
        6. Stock locations
        7. Setting up a chart of accounts
        8. Make a backup of the database
      6. Testing a Purchase-Sale workflow
        1. Purchase Order
        2. Receiving Goods
        3. Control of purchase invoices
        4. Paying the supplier
        5. From Sales Proposal to Sales Order
        6. Preparing goods for despatch to customer
        7. Invoicing Goods
        8. Customer Payment
  2. Sales and Purchasing
    1. Management of Sales
      1. Sales Quotations
        1. Entering Quotation details
      2. Management of Packaging
        1. Example Packing and different products
      3. Management of Alerts
      4. Control of deliveries and invoicing
        1. Configuration of orders
        2. Packing mode
      5. Management of Carriers
        1. Tariff grids
        2. Using delivery modes
        3. Delivery based on order quantities
        4. Delivery based on packed items
      6. Margin Control
        1. Margin on sales orders
        2. Margins by product
        3. Margins by Project
      7. Price Management policies
        1. Creating pricelists
        2. Cases of using pricelists
        3. Different bases for price calculation
        4. Pricelists and managing currencies
      8. Rebates at the end of a campaign
        1. Example: Using returns for the end of the campaign
      9. Open orders
      10. Layout templates
    2. Purchasing Management
      1. All the elements of a complete workflow
        1. Setting up your database
        2. Price request from the supplier
        3. Goods receipt
        4. Control of invoicing
        5. Control based on orders
        6. Control based on goods receipt
        7. Tenders
        8. Price revisions
        9. Standard Price
        10. Weighted average
      2. Analysis of purchases
        1. Elementary statistics
      3. Supplier relationship management
      4. Analytic accounts
  3. Stock and Manufacturing
    1. Logistics and Stock Management
      1. Understanding double-entry stock management
      2. Complete workflow from supplier to customer
        1. Defining a new product
        2. Product Types
        3. Procure Methods — Make to Stock or Make to Order
        4. Supply Methods
        5. Units of Measure
      3. Stocks
        1. Lead times and locations
        2. Initial Inventory
        3. Receipt of a supplier order
        4. Customer delivery
        5. Analysing stock
      4. Logistics Configuration
        1. Stock locations
        2. Location types
        3. Localization
        4. Accounting valuation in real time
        5. Linked locations
        6. Case of structuring locations
        7. Handling customer orders
        8. Linked Production
      5. Import / Export
        1. Stock
        2. Rental locations
        3. Consigned Products
      6. Warehouses
        1. Automatic procurement
        2. Minimum stock rules
      7. Scheduling
        1. Sales Forecasts
        2. Production Plan
      8. Management of lots and traceability
        1. Stock Moves
        2. Lots
        3. Traceability
      9. Management by Journal
        1. The different journals
        2. Using the journals
      10. Advanced elements of stock management
        1. Requirements Calculation / Scheduling
        2. Just in Time
        3. Planning
        4. Management of partial deliveries
        5. Receiving supplier products
        6. Manual data entry of goods receipt
        7. Confirming pre-generated goods receipt documents
        8. Confirmation by selecting products waiting
        9. Product routing
    2. Manufacturing
      1. Management of production
      2. Bills of Materials
        1. Use of Bills of Materials
      3. Multi-level Bills of Materials
        1. Phantom Bills of Materials
        2. Assembly Bills of Materials
        3. Configurable Bills of Materials
      4. Manufacturing
      5. Workflow for complete production
        1. The customer order
        2. Producing an Intermediate Product
        3. Manufacture of finished product
        4. Delivery of product to the customer
        5. Invoicing at delivery
        6. Traceability
      6. Production order in detail
      7. Scheduling
      8. Calculation of lead times
        1. Security days
      9. Operations
        1. Definitions of concepts
        2. Workcenters
        3. Routing
        4. Impact on the production order
        5. Work operations
        6. Management of operations
      10. Events and barcodes
        1. Subcontracting manufacture
      11. Treatment of exceptions
      12. Manual procurement
      13. Management of waste products and secondary products
      14. Management of repairs
        1. Entering data for a new repair
        2. Repair workflow
        3. Invoicing the repair
        4. Stock movements and repair
  4. Process Management
    1. Process
      1. The integration of processes into the management system
        1. Example of process
        2. Following a customer sales order
        3. New employee induction
      2. Workflows and User Processes
        1. Using processes effectively
        2. Defining your own user processes
  5. System Administration and Implementation
    1. Configuration & Administration
      1. Creating a Configuration Module
      2. Configuring the menu
        1. Changing the menu
        2. Personalizing the welcome page for each user
        3. Assigning default values to fields
        4. Changing the terminology
      3. User Login
      4. Managing access rights
      5. Groups and Users
        1. Access rights for menus
        2. Access rights to Objects
        3. Modification history
      6. Configuring workflows and processes
        1. Assigning roles
      7. Configuring reports
        1. Managing statistical reports
        2. Managing document templates with
        3. Creating common headers for reports
      8. Importing and exporting data
        1. Exporting Open ERP data to CSV
        2. Importing CSV data to Open ERP
        3. The CSV format for complex database structures
        4. Another example of a CSV import file
        5. Exporting data in other forms
    2. Implementation Methodology
      1. Requirements Analysis and Planning
        1. Planning methods
      2. Deployment
        1. Deployment Options
        2. Deployment Procedure
      3. User training
      4. Support and maintenance
        1. Updates and Upgrades
        2. Version Migration
  • Conclusion
    • You aren't alone
    • Consult the avilable resources
      • The community of users and developers
      • Open ERP partners
      • The main developer, Tiny


OpenERP for Retail and Industrial Management

Reviewed by Roland Buresund

Disappointing *** (3 out of 10)

Last modified: May 19, 2010, 11:33 a.m.

A nice overview of the manufacturing, warehousing and order entry parts of the OpenERP application. It even manages to point out some nifty features present in the architecture, but it fails to be readable, unless you're part of the ERP crowd. And it sadly leaves out AR/AP and all Financials… And the advertised OSS Management, doesn't even exist in the book.

All in all, a bit of a disappointment.


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