Publisher: Cyan Communications, 2006, 192 pages
ISBN: 978-1-904879-72-5
Keywords: Culture
Seventy-five percent of the workforce think that some of their colleagues aren't' pulling their weight. They are dead right.
In today's workplace, accountability and responsibility are in short supply. Eighty percent of new products launched this year will be unsuccessful. Failure is the norm, and success the notable exception. This has created an environment in which the mediocre not only survive, but can flourish and thrive.
It has become possible to have a successful career without ever being involved in a successful job or project. And literally thousands of people are out there doing just that. They are the City Slackers, a new breed of employee who is taking over the world and cramming it full of things that nobody wants.
City Slackers often appear to be their company's rising stars; model employees who have never put a foot wrong. But in truth they will never deliver anything — they know they don't need to.
The price for ruining a perfectly good company is often a multi-million pound pay off, which is why when things go wrong, you should never assume it's because people don't knew what they are doing. They have probably already planned for failure. Today's company men and women have a new priority — themselves, They know the rules of the game have changed. If they play their cards right they'll end up on the board with a nice car, a great salary, mandatory bonus, stock options… And no work to do.