
The Ultimate Reference

Bloomsbury Business Database

Publisher: Bloomsbury, 2002, 2172 pages

ISBN: 0-7475-5978-3

Keywords: Management

Last modified: May 28, 2024, 7:58 p.m.

This ambitious work attempts to create a one-stop resource for the business world. First, by analyzing the various industries, the language of business, and the ideas of both pioneers and current leaders, it provides a guidebook to working in, managing, and building today's companies.

In addition, it includes an outstanding collection of 150 original essays written by business practitioners and leaders as well as academics like Philip Kotler, Mark Brown, and Laura Ries. Separate sections offering management checklists and actionlists lead readers through procedures for coaching, writing job descriptions, and starting a small business, as well as building a web site and creating product literature.

Readers will be inspired by both the management library and the biography section (featuring, for instance, Adam Smith and Estée Lauder), while the dictionary of some 5000 international terms and the world business almanac with its 24-industry sector surveys and profiles of 150 countries are valuable reference sources in their own right. The "Business Information Sources" section lists 3000 resources organized into 100 subject areas, including web sites, books, magazines, and organizations.

An introduction by Daniel Goleman completes the package. Any library or personal business collection will want a copy of this unique and reasonably priced reference.

    • Introduction
      Daniel Goleman
    • User's Guide
  • Best Practice
    • Management in the 21st Century
      Tom Brown
    • People and Culture
      • Viewpoint: Stan Davis and Christopher Meyer
      • Action Learning
        George Boulden
      • Making Rewards and Recognition a 'Whole-Person' Experience
        R. Brayton Bowen
      • Downsizing with Dignity
        Alan Downs
      • Managing Stress
        Cary Cooper and Susan Cartwright
      • Fringe Benefits
        John G. Fisher
      • Making Performance Appraisals a Win-win Experience
        Patrick Forsyth
      • Improving Company Performance with an Older Workforce< br />Beverly Goldberg
      • Viewpoint: Fons Trompenaars
      • Boosting Business Success through Diversity
        Debbe Kennedy
      • Making the Workplace Flex, Not Break
        Ken Murrell
      • Finding and Keeping Top Talent
        Philip Sadler
      • Managing Today's Angry Workforce
        Florence Stone
      • Creating Fun in the Workplace
        Leslie A. Yerkes
      • Generation Veneration
        Ron Zemke
      • Viewpoint: Christopher Locke
      • SQ: Investing in Spiritual Capital
        Danah Zohar
      • Viewpoint: Christopher Bartlett
      • Tackling Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
        Anne Covey and Michael Morris
      • Managing Intellectual Capital
        Leif Edvinsson
      • Making Cultures Behave
        Robert Heller
    • Marketing
      • Viewpoint: Philip Kotler
      • Managing 1:1 Marketing
        Drayton Bird
      • Relating to the Public
        Robert Leaf
      • How to Plan Marketing
        Malcolm McDonald
      • Marketing: The Importance of Being First
        Al Ries and Laura Ries
      • Creating Powerful Brands
        Paul Stobart
      • Managing the Customer
        Merlin Stone
      • Viewpoint: Patty Seybold
      • Viewpoint: Joe Pine II
      • Delivering and Delighting — A New Spirit at Work
        Richard Whiteley
      • Marketing to the 'Real-time' Consumer
        Regis McKenna and Geoffrey Mott
      • Viewpoint: Charles Handy
    • Strategy and Competition
      • The Second Coming of Service
        Karl Albrecht
      • Organic Growth versus Acquisition
        Peter Bebb
      • Why Mergers Fail and How to Prevent It
        Susan Cartwright
      • Infusing a Company with Cutting-edge Strategy
        Oren Harari
      • Maximising a New Strategic Alliance
        Peter Killing
      • Viewpoint: Jean-Claude Larréché
      • Outsourcing
        Ronan McIvor
      • The Power of Identity
        Wally Olins
      • Switching Strategies
        Louis Patler
      • Power Struggling and Power Sharing
        Jonas Ridderstråle
      • Globalisation and Regional Business Strategy
        Alan Rugman
      • The New Frontiers in Old-economy Industries
        Adrian Slywotzky and David Morrison
      • Corporate-level Strategy
        David R. Sadtler
      • Strategic Agility
        John Wells
      • Viewpoint: Watts Wacker and Ryan Mathews
    • Finance
      • The Human Value of the Enterprise
        Andrew Mayo
      • Return on Talent
        Subir Chowdhury
      • Competing on Costs
        Dinna Louise Dayao
      • Environmental Management
        John Elkington
      • Human Capital
        Edward Gordon
      • Budgeting
        Jeremy Hope, Robin Fraser, and Peter Bunce
      • Finding and Keeping the Best Talent in the World
        Richard Leider
      • Creating Value through People
        David Maister
      • Allocating Corporate Capital Fairly
        John Mariotti
      • Intrapreneurial Warriors versus Traditional Managers
        Gifford Pinchot
      • Managing 21st Century Finances
        Terry Carroll
      • Avoiding the Mistakes of the Past: Lessons from the Start-up World
        James E. Schrager
      • Why EVA Is the Best Measurement Tool for Creating Shareholder Value
        Erik Stern
      • Viewpoint: Peter Bernstein
      • Managing by the Open Book
        John Case
      • Viewpoint: John Seely Brown
    • IT/Information Management
      • Enterprise Information Systems
        Thomas Davenport
      • Developing an Internet-era Mindset throughout the Organisation
        John Nirenberg
      • Integrating Real and Virtual Strategies
        David Stauffer
      • The Business Web
        Don Tapscott
      • Viewpoint: Jeffrey Rayport
      • Making B2B Your New Operational Standard
        Michael Cunningham
      • Data Mining
        Michael Griggs and Maggie Kennedy
      • Marketspaces
        Jeffrey F. Rayport
      • Creating a Company Website to Reflect Your Company
        Gerry McGovern
      • Intellectual Capital
        Thomas Stewart
      • Viewpoint: David Weinberger
      • Viewpoint: Tom Petzinger
    • Systems
      • Project Management
        Robert Buttrick
      • Virtual Collaboration
        Stewart Clegg, Antoine Hermens, and Salvador Porras
      • Integrating Technology into Business Processes
        Donryn Dewar and Melanie Ellis
      • Managing By Individual Objectives
        Richard Handscombe
      • The True Total Quality
        Masaaki Imai
      • The Good, the Fad, and the Ugly
        Lucy Kellaway
      • Preventing Corporate Systems from Holding You Back
        Leslie Kossoff
      • Facilities Management
        Keith Alexander
      • Working from the Outside In
        Bill Jensen
      • Lean Manufacturing
        Daniel Jones
      • Getting All Your People Committed to Change and Transformation
        John Smythe
      • Managing the Challenge of E-service
        Chris Voss
      • Viewpoint: Sumantra Ghoshal
    • Structure
      • The Critical Factors That Build or Break Teams
        Meredith Belbin
      • Groundhog Management
        Robert Fritz
      • Retaining Employees
        Sharon Jordan-Evans and Beverly Kaye
      • Keeping Control in Nonhierarchical Organisations
        Karin Klenke
      • Managing in a 24/7 Organisation
        Thomas Koulopoulos
      • Self-managed Teams: How They Succeed or Fail
        Andrew Leigh and Michael Maynard
      • Workers without Borders: Creating Bonds When Workers Have No Loyalty
        Perry Pascarella
      • Converting Anonymity into Participation in a Membership Organisation
        Jane Galloway Seiling
      • Overcoming the Difficulties of Managing a Virtual Organisation
        Jim Underwood
      • Re-organising the Firm Without Destroying It
        Colin Price
    • Leadership
      • Viewpoint: Warren Bennis
      • Emotional Intelligence and Leadership
        Rick Lash
      • Who's Guiding Your Corporate Destiny?
        Don Blohowiak
      • Deciding Key Operational Questions
        Mark Brown
      • Boardroom Roles
        Adrian Cadbury
      • Really Leading: Leadership That Is Authentic, Conscious, and Effective
        Debashis Chatterjee
      • Viewpoint: Noel Tichy
      • Leadership
        Peter de la Billiere
      • How to Walk on the Leading Edge without Falling off the Cliff
        Judith Neal
      • Business Ethics
        Sue Newell
      • New Role Models for Enlightened Leadership
        Charles R Day, Jr
      • Viewpoint: Jim Collins
      • Breaking the Glass Ceiling
        Katherine Hammer
      • Governing the Corporation
        Hugh Parker
      • Viewpoint: Henry Mintzberg
    • Renewal/Growth
      • Investing in Technology
        Steve Bone
      • X-engineering Success
        James Champy
      • Creating Strategic Excellence
        Mike Freedman
      • Viewpoint: Michael Hammer
      • Turnaround Strategies
        Sir John Harvey-Jones
      • Tuning into the Harmonics of Management
        Dorothy Marcic
      • Core versus Context: Managing Resources in a Downturn
        Geoffrey Moore
      • Snapping Managerial Inertia
        Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert Sutton
      • The Future of Money
        Bernard Lietaer
      • Competitor Analysis: From Data to Insight
        Liam Fahey
      • Now! — The Role of Urgency in Creating Positive Change
        John Reh
      • Scenario Planning
        Gill Ringland
      • Manging the End of Growth
        Robert Tomasko
      • Creating Corporate Creativity
        Edward de Bono
      • Viewpoint: Margaret Wheatley
      • Managing New-product Portfolios
        Robert Cooper and Scott Edgett
      • Managing Dynamic Change
        Robert Heller
      • Why Managers Need Futurists
        Marie-Therese Hoppe
    • Productivity
      • Building Great Internal Partnerships
        Chip Bell
      • Raising the Bar: Setting Effective Targets
        Matthew Budman
      • New Yardsticks for Performance and Productivity in an E-world
        Peter Cohan
      • Using Management Consultants Effectively
        Steve Markwell
      • Making Loyalty Work
        John Frazer-Robinson
      • Corporate Social Responsibility: Are You Giving Back or Just Giving Away?
        Gus Gustafson
      • From Crisis Management to Crisis Leadership
        Ian Mitroff
      • Benchmarking
        Paul Spenley
      • Matching Pay to Achievement
        Peter Brown
      • Improving Corporate Profitability Through Accountability
        Marc Epstein and Priscilla Wisner
      • Organisational Learning and Performance
        Jerry Gilley and Ann Gilley
      • The Balanced Scorecard
        Robert Kaplan and David Norton
      • Setting Objectives for a Business
        Allan A. Kennedy
      • Profiting From Prices
        Michael de Kare-Silver
      • Viewpoint: Jim Kouzes
    • Personal Effectiveness
      • Emotional Intelligence
        Cary Cherniss and Daniel Goleman
      • Preventing Your Work Problems from Causing You Stress
        David Allen
      • Avoiding Your Worst Career Nightmare
        Martha I. Finney
      • Brainstorming
        Jules Goddard
      • Urbane Renewal: Trusting Your Own Wisdom — A Competitive and Satisfying Advantage
        Cliff Hakim
      • Viewpoint: William Bridges
      • Taking Charge of Your Career
        Andrew Lambert
      • Mentoring
        Max Landsberg
      • Coaching
        Max Landsberg
      • Driving Fear from the Workplace
        Dick Richards
      • Managing Internal Politics
        Kathleen Kelley Reardon
      • How Managers Stay Up When Times Are Down
        Paul Stoltz
      • Choosing the Best Training Curriculum
        Daniel R. Tobin
      • Developing Exceptional Problem-solving Skills
        Chris Hoenig
  • Management Checklists
    • People Management
      • Coaching for Better Performance
      • Conducting a Performance Appraisal
      • Counselling Your Colleagues
      • Developing Passive People
      • Empowerment
      • Emotional Intelligence
      • Handling Conflict Situations
      • Introducing Flexible Working into your Organisation
      • Leading from the Middle
      • Managing Absenteeism
      • Managing Staff Turnover and Retention
      • Managing the Plateaued Performer
      • Mentoring in Practice
      • Motivating Your Staff in a Time of Change
      • Planning Overseas Assignments
      • Redundancy — Breaking the News
      • Steps in Successful Team Building
      • Successful Delegation
      • Undertaking a Disciplinary Interview
      • Using feedback
      • Using Your Staff to Mutual Advantage
      • The Psychological Contract
      • Working Out Your Redundancy Packages
    • Personal Effectiveness
      • Effective Communications: Preparing Presentations
      • Effective Communications: Delivering Presentations
      • Handling Effective Meetings
      • Managing Your Time Effectively
      • Personal Development Planning
      • Planning Your Retirement
      • Preparing for Appraisal
      • Report Writing
      • Solving Problems
      • Starting a New Job
      • Stress Management: Self First
      • Succeeding As a New Manager
      • The Woman Returner — Getting Back to Works
      • Working Out a Career Plan
      • Work/Life Balance
    • HR/Training
      • Training Needs Analysis
      • Evaluating Training
      • Planning a Workshop
      • Planning Assessment and Development Centres
      • Planning the Recruitment Process
      • Attracting and Retaining Women Returners
      • Preparing and Using Job Descriptions
      • Implementing a Job Evaluation Scheme
      • Setting Up a Performance-Related Pay Scheme
      • Introducing an Equal Opportunities Policy
      • Implementing a Diversity Management Programme
      • Investing in Your People
      • Setting Up a Suggestion Scheme
      • Undertaking an Employee Attitude Survey
      • Setting Up Childcare Policies
      • Setting Up a Grievance Procedure
      • Setting Up a Disciplinary Procedure
      • Codes of Ethics
    • Marketing
      • Developing a Manufacturing Strategy
      • Developing a Strategy for World Class Business
      • Getting Close to the Customer
      • Handling Complaints
      • Moving the Virtual Organisation Forward
      • Performing a SWOT Analysis
      • Planning a Conference
      • Preparing a Marketing Plan
      • Producing a Corporate Mission
      • Public Relations Planning
      • Setting Up a Customer Care Programme
      • Setting Objectives
      • Strategic Partnering
      • Strategic Planning
      • Writing a Business Plan
    • Manufacturing/Operations
      • A Programme for Benchmarking
      • Deciding Whether to Outsource
      • Disaster Planning
      • Effective Purchasing
      • Establishing a Performance Measurement System
      • Health and Safety: Managing the Process
      • Health and Safety: Undertaking a Risk Assessment
      • Implementing a Service Level Agreement
      • Implementing an Effective Change Programme
      • Implementing Business Process Re-engineering
      • Implementing Kaizen
      • Implementing the Balanced Scorecard
      • Managing Projects
      • Preparing for Business Abroad
      • Setting Up an Energy Management Scheme
      • Stock Control
      • Taking Action on the Environment
      • Total Quality: Getting TQM to Work
      • Total Quality: Mapping a TQM Strategy
      • Using Management Consulting Services Effectively
    • Small Business
      • Cash-flow fro the Small Business
      • Drawing Up a Contract of Employment
      • Five Routes to Greater Profitability
      • Franchising Your Business
      • Marketing for the Small Business
      • Starting a Small Business
    • Business Planning
      • Carrying Out an Information Audit
      • Brainstorming
      • Collecting Debts
      • Controlling a Budget
      • Controlling Costs
      • Controlling Credit
      • Designing Questionnaires
      • Drawing Up a Budget
      • Effective Business Writing
      • Effective Communications: Communicating with Groups
      • Gathering Competitive Intelligence
      • Implementing Statistical Process Control
      • Internal Audit
      • Making Rational Decisions
      • Open Systems Thinking
      • Planning the Replacement of Software Systems
      • Six Sigma
      • Shareholder Value Analysis
  • Actionlists
    • E-Commerce
      • The Key Issues of Implementing E-commerce
      • How to Deliver Quality Online Customer Service and Support
      • How to Implement Customer Relationship Management
      • How to Develop a Personalisation Strategy for a Website
      • How to Manage Payments Online
      • The Key Principles to Consider When Designing a Website
      • How to Set Up a Basic Website
      • How to Build a Website Team
      • How to Add Multimedia to a Website
      • The Key Principles of Website Management
      • Day-to-day Maintenance of a Website
      • How to Deal Effectively with Computer Viruses
      • How to Implement Effective Internet Security
      • How to Outsource Your Website Operations
      • How to Host or Select a Hosting Company
      • Understanding the Key Principles of Content Management
      • How to Make Sure Content Is Professionally Created, Edited, and Published
      • How to Develop Appropriate Metadata and Classification for a Website
      • How to Make a Website Easy to Navigate
      • How to Implement an Effective Search Process for a Website
      • How to use the Internet to Create Content Collaboratively
      • Setting Up a Subscription Process
      • Writing Well for the Web
      • Understanding the Key Principles of Internet Marketing
      • Collecting Consumer Data on the Internet
      • How to Deliver the Benefits of Affiliate Marketing on the Web
      • How to Get the Best from Loyalty Programmes on the Web
      • How to Apply a Viral Marketing Approach on the Internet
      • How to GenerateContent and Building Loyalty Through Online Communities
      • How to Promote Your Website Effectively
      • How to Use E-mail Marketing Effectively
      • How to Get the Best from E-marketplaces
      • How to Make the Most of an Intranet
      • How to Establish an Enterprise Portal
      • Setting Up an Extranet
      • How to Add Value Through E-alliances
      • Implementing Effective E-learning Within the Organisation
      • How to Use Videoconferencing Effectively
      • Exploring Peer-to-peer (P2P) Commerce
      • Legal Issues in E-commerce
    • Marketing
      • Better Communication with Resellers
      • Getting Better Results from Your Agency
      • Integrating Advertising with Other Campaigns
      • Planning an Advertising Campaign
      • Preparing an Advertising Brief
      • Building One-to-one Relationships
      • Building Partnership with Business Customers
      • Communicating Customer Service
      • Handling Customer Problems
      • Handling Customer Inquiries
      • Increasing Customer Lifetime Value
      • Running a Customer Loyalty Programme
      • Setting Up a Customer Interaction Centre
      • Building a Mailing List
      • Creating Impressive Direct Mail Material
      • Improving Direct Mail Response Rates
      • Planning a Direct Marketing Campaign
      • Planning a Customer Event
      • Running a Networked Conference
      • Running a Salesforce Incentive Campaign
      • Designing a Response Mechanism
      • Generating More Leads
      • Converting Leads into Sales
      • Carrying Out Market Research
      • Getting Competitor Intelligence
      • Involving Customers in Product Development
      • Making Better Use of Customer Data
      • Profiling Decision-Makers
      • Branding a Business Product
      • Raising Awareness of Business Brands
      • Creating Product Literature
      • Extending a Product
      • Introducing a New Product to Market
      • Planning Corporate Public Relations Campaign
      • Producing a Corporate Brochure
      • Producing Press Material
      • Running a Product Public Relations Campaign
      • Planning Promotions
      • Running a Price Campaign
      • Running Sales Meetings
      • Supporting Campaigns with Telemarketing
      • Dealing with Press Inquiries
      • Managing Retailer Marketing Programmes
      • Offering Customers Self-Service
    • Personal Development
      • Finding Your Calling and Living Your Passion — The Dream Job
      • Choosing the Right First Job
      • Identifying Your Marketable Skills
      • Creating Cover Letters That Sell
      • Winning CVs: Creating a Marekting Tool That Gets You the Interview
      • Winning CVs: Preparing Different Types of CV
      • Researching The Job Market
      • How to Network and Market Yourself
      • Building a Fantastic Contact List
      • Preparing for the Job Interview: How to Stand from the Crowd
      • Staying Cool in a Panel Interview
      • Answering Tricky Interview Questions
      • Handling Inappropriate Questions in an Interview
      • Understanding Psychometric Tests
      • How to Negotiate Your Salary and Your Benefits
      • Using the Web As a Career Resource
      • Using Lateral Moves to Further Your Career
      • Managing Upwards: Making Your Boss Your Strongest Ally
      • Working with Mentors: Developing Critical Relationships with Powerful People
      • Developing an International Career
      • Getting Promoted: Forget Your Boss, Serve Your Customers
      • Staying Marketable: Identifying Your Transferable Skills
      • Getting Paid What You're Worth: How to Assess Your Value in the Marketplace
      • Successfully Negotiating the Pay Rise You Deserve
      • Managing Dual Career Dilemmas
      • Getting the Most from Your Professional Career Consultant
      • Virtual Jobs: Staying Connected and Visible while Telecommuting
      • Losing Your Job? Survival Strategies for Starting Over
      • Leaving with Style: How to Exit with Dignity
      • Managing Career Transitions: How to Enter an Entirely New Field
      • Creating and Balancing the Portfolio Career
      • Making the Decision to Take a Risky Career Move
      • Working in Interim Management
      • Finding and Working with Search Firms
      • Downshifting: Working Less and Enjoying It More
      • Freelancing: Setting Up As a Free Agent
      • Setting Up and Maintaining Your Home Office
      • Assessing Your Entrepreneurial Profile: Do You Have What It Takes?
      • Preparing for Retirement with Dignity and Grace
    • Accounting and Finance
      • Calculating Asset Turnover
      • Calculating Annual Percentage Rate
      • Calculating Bond Yield
      • Calculating Book Value
      • Calculating Contribution Margin
      • Calculating Conversion Price
      • Calculating Conversion Ratio
      • Calculating Days Sales Outstanding
      • Calculating Debt-to-Capital Ratio
      • Calculating Debt-to-Equity Ratio
      • Calculating Creditor and Debtor Days
      • Calculating Payback Period
      • Calculating Efficiency and Operating Ratios
      • Calculating Expected Rate of Return
      • Calculating Elasticity
      • Calculating Future Value
      • Calculating Internal Rate of Return
      • Calculating Marginal Cost
      • Calculating Net Present Value
      • Calculating Rate of Return
      • Calculating Return on Sales
      • Calculating Return on Assets
      • Calculating Return on Investment
      • Calculating Return on Shareholders' Equity
      • Calculating Alpha and Beta Values of a Security
      • Calculating the Future Value of an Annuity
      • Calculating Working Capital Productivity
      • Calculating Risk-adjusted Rate of Return
      • Calculating Economic Value Added
      • Calculating Exchange Rate Risk
      • Calculating Total Return
      • Calculating Price/Earnings (P/E) Ratio
      • Calculating the Current Price of a Bond
      • Calculating Asset Utilisation
      • Calculating Accounts Receivable Turnover
      • Calculating a Capital Asset Pricing Model
      • Calculating Current Ratio
      • Calculating the Reserve Ratio
      • Calculating Capitalisation Ratios
      • Calculating Acid-test Ratio
      • Calculating Convertible Preference Shares
      • Creating a Balance Sheet
      • Creating a Profit and Loss Account
      • Creating a Cash-flow Statement
      • Reading a Balance Sheet
      • Reading a Profit and Loss Account
      • Reading a Cash-flow Statement
      • Defining Assets
      • Calculating Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)
      • Calculating Working Capital
      • Calculating Goodwill and Patents
      • Calculating Yield
      • Reading an Annual Report
      • Calculating Depreciation
      • Calculating Enterprise Value
      • Calculating Amortisation
      • Calculating Activity-based Costing
      • Calculating Price/Sales (P/S) Ratio
      • Distinguishing between a Finance and an Operating Lease
      • Calculating Borrowing Costs and Capitalisation
      • Reading the Financial Pages
      • Calculating EBITDA
      • Calculating Dividend Cover
      • Calculating Interest Cover
      • Calculating Earnings per Share
  • Management Library
    • Action Learning
      Reg Revans
    • Administrative Behavior
      Herbert Simon
    • The Age of Discontinuity
      Peter Drucker
    • The Age of Unreason
      Charles Handy
    • All the Right Moves
      Constantinos Markides
    • The Art of Japanese Management
      Richard Pascale & Anthony Athos
    • The Art of War
      Sun Tzu
    • A Behavioral Theory of the Firm
      Richard Cyert & James March
    • Blur
      Stan Davis & Christopher Meyer
    • The Borderless World
      Kenichi Ohmae
    • Built to Last
      James Collins & Jerry Porras
    • A Business and Its Beliefs
      Thomas Watson Jr
    • The Change Masters
      Rosabeth Moss Kanter
    • The Changing Culture of a Factory
      Elliot Jaques
    • Competing for the Future
      Gary Hamel & C.K. Prahalad
    • The Competitive Advantage of Nations
      Michael Porter
    • Competitive Strategy
      Michael Porter
    • Corporate Strategy
      Igor Ansoff
    • Corporate-level Strategy
      Michael Goold, Marcus Alexander,& Andrew Campbell
    • Dynamic Administration
      Mary Parker Follett
    • The Fifth Discipline
      Peter Senge
    • The Functions of the Executive
      Chester Barnard
    • General and Industrial Management
      Henri Fayol
    • The General Theory of Employment
      John Maynard Keynes
    • How to Win Friends and Influence People
      Dale Carnegie
    • The HP Way
      David Packard
    • The Human Problems of an Industrial Civilization
      Elton Mayo
    • The Human Side of Enterprise
      Douglas McGregor
    • In Search of Excellence
      Tom Peters & Robert Waterman
    • Innovation in Marketing
      Theodore Levitt
    • Intellectual Capital
      Thomas Stewart
    • Leaders
      Warren Bennis & Burt Nanus
    • Leadership
      James MacGregor Burns
    • The Living Company
      Arie de Geus
    • Made in Japan
      Akio Morita
    • Management Teams: Why They Succeed or Fail
      R. Meredith Belbin
    • The Managerial Grid
      Robert Blake & Jane Mouton
    • Managing
      Harold Geneen
    • Managing Across Borders
      Christopher Bartlett & Sumantra Ghoshal
    • Managing on the Edge
      Richard Pascale
    • Marketing Management
      Philip Kotler
    • Megatrends
      John Naisbitt
    • The Mind of the Strategist
      Kenichi Ohmae
    • Moments of Truth
      Jan Carlzon
    • Motivation and Personality
      Abraham Maslow
    • The Motivation to Work
      Frederick Herzberg, Bernard Mausner, and Barbara Bloch Snyderman
    • My Life and Work
      Henry Ford
    • My Years with General Motors
      Alfred Sloan
    • The Nature of Managerial Work
      Henry Mintzberg
    • New Patterns of Management
      Rensis Likert
    • On the Economy of Machinery & Manufacture
      Charles Babbage
    • Onward Industry
      James Mooney & Alan Reily
    • The Organization Man
      William Whyte
    • Organizational Culture and Leadership
      Edgar Schein
    • Organizational Learning
      Chris Argyris & Donald Schön
    • Out of the Crisis
      W. Edwards Deming
    • Parkinson's Law
      C. Northcote Parkinson
    • The Peter Principle
      Laurence Peter
    • Planning for Quality
      Joseph M. Juran
    • The Practice of Management
      Peter Drucker
    • The Prince
      Niccolò Machiavelli
    • The Principles Of Scientific Management
      Frederick W. Taylor
    • Quest for Prosperity
      Konosuke Matsushita
    • Reengineering the Corporation
      James Champy & Michael Hammer
    • Riding the Waves of Culture
      Fons Trompenaars
    • The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning
      Henry Mintzberg
    • Strategy and Structure
      Alfred Chandler
    • The Theory of Social and Economic Organization
      Max Weber
    • The Third Wave
      Alvin Toffler
    • Toyota Production System
      Taiichi Ohno
    • The Wealth of Nations
      Adam Smith
    • The Will to Manage
      Marvin Bower
  • Business Thinkers
    • John Adair
    • Igor Ansoff
    • Chris Argyris
    • R. Meredith Belbin
    • Warren Bennis
    • Kenneth Blanchard
    • Dale Carnegie
    • Alfred Chandler
    • Stephen Covey
    • Philip Crosby
    • W. Edwards Deming
    • Peter Drucker
    • Henri Fayol
    • Mary Parker Follett
    • Henry Gantt
    • Sumantra Ghoshal
    • Frank & Lillian Gilbreth
    • Daniel Goleman
    • Gary Hamel
    • Charles Handy
    • Fredorick Herzberg
    • Geert Hofstede
    • Joseph Juran
    • Rosabeth Moss Kanter
    • Robert Kaplan
    • Theodore Levitt
    • Kurt Lewin
    • Niccolò Machiavelli
    • Abraham Maslow
    • Elton Mayo
    • Douglas McGregor
    • Henry Mintzberg
    • Ikujiro Nonaka
    • Kenichi Ohmae
    • Taiichi Ohno
    • Robert Owen
    • Richard Pascale
    • Tom Peters
    • Michael Porter
    • C.K. Prahalad
    • Reg Revans
    • Edgar Schein
    • Peter Senge
    • Adam Smith
    • Sun Tzu
    • Genichi Taguchi
    • F.W. Taylor
    • Alvin Toffler
    • Victor Vroom
    • Max Weber
  • Management Giants
    • John Jacob Astor
    • Jeffrey Bezos
    • Warren Buffett
    • Andrew Carnegie
    • Stephen Case
    • Michael Dell
    • Walter Elias Disney
    • George Eastman
    • Thomas Alva Edison
    • Henry Ford
    • Bill Gates
    • Harold Geneen
    • King Camp Gillette
    • Andrew Grove
    • William Randolph Hearst
    • Milton Hershey
    • Soichiro Honda
    • Howard Robard Hughes Jr
    • Lee Iacocca
    • Steve Jobs
    • Ingvar Kamprad
    • Herb Kelleher
    • Ray Kroc
    • Estée Lauder
    • Henry Robinson Luce
    • Cyrus McCormick
    • Konosuke Matsushita
    • Louis Mayer
    • Cyrus Hall McCormick
    • J.P. Morgan
    • Akio Morita
    • Rupert Murdoch
    • David Ogilvy
    • David Packard
    • John Patterson
    • Arthur Rock
    • John D. Rockefeller
    • Anita Roddick
    • Julius Rosenwald
    • David Sarnoff
    • Alfred Sloan Jr
    • Martha Stewart
    • Eiji Toyoda
    • Ted Turner
    • Theodore Newton Vail
    • Cornelius Vanderbilt
    • Samuel Walton
    • Thomas Watson Sr
    • Jack Welch
    • Oprah Winfrey
    • Robert Woodruff
    • Frank W. Woolworth
  • Dictionary
  • World Business Almanac
    • Country Profiles
      • World Map
      • World Economy tables and maps
      • Country profiles
      • US state profiles
      • Industry profiles
  • Business Information Sources
    • Accounting
    • Acquisitions, Takeovers, and Mergers
    • Advertising
    • Analytical Techniques and Statistics
    • Auditing and Management Audit
    • Bankruptcy and Business Failure
    • Benchmarking
    • Budgeting
    • Business Appraisal and Performance Measurement
    • Business Ethics and Codes of Practice
    • Business Plans and Planning
    • Business Process Reengineering
    • Change Management
    • Coaching, Counselling, and Mentoring
    • Competences
    • Competition
    • Computers, Information Technology, and E-commerce
    • Conditions of Employment
    • Conferences and Exhibitions
    • Consulting Services/Management Consultants
    • Contingency, Crisis, Disaster Management
    • Contracts and Contracting
    • Corporate Culture
    • Corporate Strategy
    • Creating a CV
    • Customer Relations/Service
    • Decision-making and Problem-solving
    • Direct Marketing
    • Diversity
    • Education Management
    • Employee Benefits/Compensation
    • Employee Participation in Management
    • Employee Relations
    • Employment Law
    • Entrepreneurs
    • Environmental Management
    • Equal Opportunities
    • Exporting
    • Facilities Management
    • Finding Out What You Are Worth: Remuneration/Salaries
    • Flexible Working/Teleworking/Homeworking
    • Forecasting and Scenario Planning
    • Franchising
    • General Business Information: Online Business Newspapers
    • General Business Information: Online Financial Information
    • General Business Information: Online Human Resources Sources
    • General Business Information: Online Marketing Sources
    • Health and Safety
    • Health Services Management
    • Importing
    • Information Management
    • Innovation and Creativity
    • Intellectual Property
    • Interfirm Co-operation, Strategic Alliances, Joint Ventures
    • Internal Communication
    • International Management, Cross-cultural Management
    • Interpersonal Communication/Relations
    • ISO 9000
    • Japanese Management Techniques
    • Job Hunting
    • Knowledge Management
    • Leadership
    • Learning Organisation
    • Logistics and Distribution
    • Maintenance
    • Management Buyouts
    • Management Development
    • Management Education: Executive Training
    • Management Education: MBAs
    • Management Styles
    • Management Theorists
    • Manufacturing Systems
    • Market Research & Competitor Intelligence
    • Marketing Management
    • Meetings
    • Mission Statements
    • Motivation
    • Negotiation
    • New Product Development
    • Non-profit Organisations
    • Organisation and Organisation Structure
    • Outsourcing
    • Packaging
    • Performance Appraisal
    • Personnel Management and HR Management
    • Physical Working Conditions/Ergonomics
    • Planning for Retirement
    • Planning Your Career
    • Presentation/Speaking
    • Pricing
    • Process Control and Statistical Process Control
    • Product and Brand Management
    • Project Management
    • Psychological Tests
    • Public Relations
    • Public Sector Management
    • Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
    • Quality and Total Quality Management
    • Recruitment and Selection
    • Relocation
    • Remuneration
    • Research and Development (R&D) Management
    • Risk Management
    • Selling and Salesmanship
    • Small and Growing Businesses
    • Social Responsibility of Management
    • Stress and Stress Management
    • Taxation
    • Teams and Team Building
    • The Top Ten Business and Management Websites: International
    • The Top Ten Business and Management Websites: UK
    • The Top Ten Business and Management Websites: US
    • The Top Ten Business Search Engines/Aggregators
    • The Top Twenty Business Magazines
    • The Top Twenty Business Publishers
    • Training and Development
    • Training Methods
    • Venture Capital
    • Working Abroad



Reviewed by Roland Buresund

Excellent ********** (10 out of 10)

Last modified: Oct. 30, 2009, 4:38 p.m.

You only need one book: this one. If you buy it, you'll understand why there is so many editors.

It is written on bible-thin paper, and may, rightfully, be called the bible of business.

You can't read this book, only use it as a reference and a source of ideas.

I am in awe…


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