Obie Fernandez

Updated at: July 5, 2015, 12:36 p.m.

Consider the image of the successful but introverted, quiet and reserved software developer. That is not Obie Fernandez. Obie has made a career as an outspoken and irreverent voice within the Rails community; as a developer, mentor and entrepreneur. As a self-taught programmer, Obie went on to become a senior consultant at ThoughtWorks, grew his profile as the founder of legendary Rails devshop Hashrocket, and is currently the co-founder and CTO of Lean Startup Machine. Author of The Rails 4 Way and The Lean Enterprise, Obie expertly spans the worlds of technology and business with battle-hardened insight gained from life in the startup trenches.

These days he reside in the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia with his daughter. He make his living helping some of the best people in the world create fantastic software products, and he might be able to help you too.

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