Guy Lotgering

Updated at: June 6, 2013, 1:47 p.m.

Guy Lotgering began using computers in 1979 with an Apple II. His first IBM PC computer was built by his father, but Guy continued using and building his own computers throughout teh '80s during the IBM PC revolution. In the early '90s Guy studied programming, but ended up working in networking. He installed Novell Netware and Windows NT networking systems and related network services for companies and government agencies throughout the United States. Guy has over 20 years experience with computers and is certified in many technologies including certificates in programming (C, C++, COBOL, RPG), Microsoft (MCSE), Novell (CNE3, CNE4, CNE5), and A+. In 1999, Guy moved to Sweden to continue his career in networking and specialized with UNIX systems. Guy had experience with UNIX and Linux in the past but needed more knowledge to be as comfortable in UNIX as he is with Novell and Microsoft products. There was no tool that documented the similarities of the many different operating systems. This was the motivation for writing the Universal Command Guide for Operating Systems. Guy had never written written a book before, but had always had a passion for teaching people about computers and netwroking technologies. Guy, on his own personal time, has taught and helped over 25 people to become certified Microsoft and Novell engineers. Guy is a gifted teacher who has the ability to break down complicated networking topics, making them easier to understand and more fun to learn. It was Guy's technical background and his passion for teaching that gave him the desire to write the book.

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